
Thomas W. Galvani, P.C. dba Galvani Legal

3519 E Shea Blvd. Suite 129,
Phoenix, Arizona 85028
Direct Line: 602-281-6481

Open 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday through Friday

Video conferencing also available for our clients outside of Arizona and the US.

Free Consultation

To contact Tom or Kami Galvani, please read the legal notice and then write, call, or follow them

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What to expect when you first sit down with patent attorney Tom Galvani:

Are you an inventor looking to patent your innovation? During the first meeting regarding potential patenting, you will discuss the invention and the surrounding disclosure, determine whether the invention is eligible subject matter for patenting, review prior disclosures of your invention, decide the necessity of a patent search, and make strategic choices regarding provisional filingsnon-provisional filingsnon-publications requestsnon-disclosure agreements, and other matters that depend on the unique circumstances of your invention, your deadlines, and your goals.

Are you registering or choosing a new trademark? During the first meeting regarding potential trademark registration, you will discuss your business, the marks you are considering, the way you use logos, designs, and other marks currently, and how you to intend to use trademarks and with what products or services.  You will discuss whether a trademark search is necessary, whether a federal trademark registration is appropriate, whether trade dress protection should be sought, and other trademark-related issues.