Top Reasons a Patent Application Gets Rejected
Patent applications are frequently rejected for a few main reasons: novelty, obviousness, or issues with the specification or drawings.
Patent applications are frequently rejected for a few main reasons: novelty, obviousness, or issues with the specification or drawings.
Continuing patent applications do not always require the submission of a new Information Disclosure Statement
An Australian patent holder is continuing to sue companies around the world on a split saddle design for bicycle seats.
The Office of Inspector General recently found that while most patent examiners are truthful in reporting their hours worked, some have been compensated – at high cost – for hours they have not.
The Patent Office’s Corrected ADS web form is a helpful and easy way to fix mistakes in an application data sheet.
A notice of non-compliant response is a notice that some technical error was made when submitting a document to the Patent Office.
The Patent Office has begun offering education regarding how patent examiners, and the office generally, examines a patent application. The problem is that the program is only offered as a live, in-person experience.
By filing a patent application late at night, you can delay the payment of filing fees for a brief time without incurring a late-payment surcharge.
Petitions to make special can expedite the prosecution of a patent application.
A patent declaration must be signed at some point in the application process, but not necessarily with filing.