Jordon Trapnell guest writes: Take a close look at the back of the electronics or appliances around your house, and it will be easy to pick out a variety of obscure little logos that don’t relate to the manufacturer. These…
The law provides for different rights, depending on the subject matter concerned, the evolution of the law through courts and legislative bodies, and practical implications. Some people think that a patent or a trademark gives the owner a right to…
The Trademark Office will soon start issuing electronic trademark registration certificates instead of paper ones. The Trademark Office has for years created an electronic registration certificate and mailed a paper version, which has a decorative stamp and ribbon. After June…
UPDATE: APRIL 28: The USPTO has updated its program which changes some of the information below regarding dates. Read more here. The US Patent and Trademark Office is allowing a 30-day extension to some trademark filing and fee deadlines missed…
Bose isn’t a newly issued case, but I just went to a seminar on it and the fraud standards in trademark and patent matters, so I thought I’d report on it here. Bose opposed the registration of HEXAWAVE, and Hexawave…
Last week, DuetsBlog squawked about Aflac’s recent firing of Gilbert Gottfried as the voice of the Aflac Duck after he comments he made about the Japan crisis. The characteristic quack of the Aflac Duck is a registered trademark of Aflac,…
I would guess “no”, am I correct? You know what’s strange… the websites of both businesses were registered at the same time. You just don’t see that often. Maybe one was trying to imitate the other?
I would guess “no”, am I correct? You know what’s strange… the websites of both businesses were registered at the same time. You just don’t see that often. Maybe one was trying to imitate the other?