Trademark applications in the US can be based on use, an intent-to-use, or a foreign trademark application. When a trademark application has been previously filed outside the US, for certain entities there are ways to enter the US based on…
Once you’ve filed your federal trademark registration application, you’ve more or less cast it in stone. There are some things that you can change while the application is being processed, but generally, the Patent and Trademark Office is resistant to…
Bose isn’t a newly issued case, but I just went to a seminar on it and the fraud standards in trademark and patent matters, so I thought I’d report on it here. Bose opposed the registration of HEXAWAVE, and Hexawave…
Last night I attended a Phoenix Chamber of Commerce Valley Young Professionals event called Making a Brand Stronger: Your Company, You, and Your City. The hosts, David and Sam PR, spoke mainly about Phoenix’s image as a national city and…
This morning I saw a Dex commercial urging the viewer to “Dex it” when they needed to look something up. Dex it? Instead of Googling searching online for it? Well, first off, I have opted-out of receiving most telephone books,…
I would guess “no”, am I correct? You know what’s strange… the websites of both businesses were registered at the same time. You just don’t see that often. Maybe one was trying to imitate the other?
I would guess “no”, am I correct? You know what’s strange… the websites of both businesses were registered at the same time. You just don’t see that often. Maybe one was trying to imitate the other?