What is a Trademark Statement of Use?
A Statement of Use is the official mechanism for responding to a Notice of Allowance and presenting the necessary proof of use of a trademark to finalize a trademark application.
A Statement of Use is the official mechanism for responding to a Notice of Allowance and presenting the necessary proof of use of a trademark to finalize a trademark application.
In a trademark application, a notice of allowance requests that the applicant submit proof of commercial use of a trademark.
Continuing patent applications do not always require the submission of a new Information Disclosure Statement
Trademark knockout searches are valuable ways to quickly evaluate the possibilities of registering a trademark federally.
Reasons for protecting a trademark with a federal trademark registration
Trademark filing fees will rise in 2017, but mostly for paper applications.
A UDRP proceeding is a cost-effective and quick way to attempt to establish senior rights in a domain name which is similar to a registered trademark.
An Australian patent holder is continuing to sue companies around the world on a split saddle design for bicycle seats.
The Office of Inspector General recently found that while most patent examiners are truthful in reporting their hours worked, some have been compensated – at high cost – for hours they have not.
Some types of advertisements and displays are acceptable as specimens for trademarks.