Trademark applications mature into trademark registrations and can be very important and valuable assets for a business. Anyone can file a trademark application, and most people can successfully “register” a trademark. However, the value of a DIY trademark is dubious,…
Word Triathlon Corporation, owner and licensor of the IRONMAN, M DOT, and various Ironman-related trademarks, has sued a San Antonio, Texas company for using the domain name “”
The US Patent and Trademark Office processes trademark applications in the order in which they are received. Before 2020, that led to wait time of about 3 months before an application would be substantively reviewed by a trademark Examiner. This…
When a mark in a trademark application includes a name, portrait or signature of a living individual, that person’s consent must generally be sought before the Trademark Office will register the application. This is to prevent the registration – and…
I don’t write about current political events, but I’ve been pressured into writing this post because of its significance with respect to trademark law. Trademarks are fundamentally about protecting the public. Yes, trademarks can become valuable assets for big business,…
The way a store or restaurant looks is often central to the success of business. It is often also an asset of the business that can be protected as trade dress. Restaurants and stores (successful ones, at least) tend to…
I would guess “no”, am I correct? You know what’s strange… the websites of both businesses were registered at the same time. You just don’t see that often. Maybe one was trying to imitate the other?
I would guess “no”, am I correct? You know what’s strange… the websites of both businesses were registered at the same time. You just don’t see that often. Maybe one was trying to imitate the other?