Just thing to get your kids excited about inventing – the USPTO has released a set of trading cards. I think? Features classic like George Washington Carver and Thomas Edison. They can be seen here.
After a few weeks of respite, patent infringement lawsuits pick up in Arizona. Two complaints were filed recently. The first complaint was filed by Foxwise Products, LLC, an Arizona company manufacturing horse-related products. The company alleged that a number of…
International preliminary examination of an international application may be requested by filing a demand under Chapter II of the PCT to obtain a preliminary and non-binding opinion on the questions whether the claimed invention appears to be novel, to involve…
I received my latest bit of trademark happenings from this weekend’s Saturday Night Live Weekend Update, not a colleague’s blog. Skee-Ball, Inc., the owner of Skee-ball games filed suit against a company that runs Skee-ball tournaments under the moniker “Brewksee-Ball.”…
I have been invited by the Art Institute of Phoenix to give a presentation on Tuesday the 29th regarding the intersection of intellectual property and the arts. Many of the students at the school study fashion, so the talk will…
Harry Wesley Coover, inventor of Super Glue, passed away on the night of March 26th. Dr. Coover was a massive patent figure as the applicant or holder of 460 patents throughout his life. His most famous, of course, defined him…
Sorry, you can’t. You can’t patent just “an idea.” It isn’t allowed by the law. Patents are granted only for things, processes, machines, manufactured articles, inventions. Abstract ideas and theories, alone, cannot be patented. Recent Supreme Court law just…