I just finished an interview with KFYI journalist George Lin. The interview is on the subject of the rise in patent filings in Arizona and the US. It should air sometime next week. I’ll post details when I know more.
Just thing to get your kids excited about inventing – the USPTO has released a set of trading cards. I think? Features classic like George Washington Carver and Thomas Edison. They can be seen here.
What are the issues presented by the most recent editions of Triathlete and Lava magazines? Are there any? If so, could they have been avoided? For the record, Lava issued a week or two after Triathlete.
Earlier this month, the Trademark Office refused a clothing trademark application to register the word THE. The trademark application was filed by the Ohio State University. Some people have inaccurately seen this as grab by OSU to lock down all…
I will be participating at Project Salute this weekend. If you know of a veteran that has had trouble navigating VA benefits, please encourage them to attend. The American Bar Association Young Lawyer’s Division will be hosting Project Salute this…
The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board recently decided that its judges would not be disqualified to decide a proceeding involving a number of Trump-owned trademarks.
You may have heard that a patent reform bill was recently passed by Congress reforming the way our patent system runs. If signed by the President, it will bring the largest changes to the patent system in over a hundred…