Podcast: Being an Engineer – First to File, Secrecy & Fast-Tracking Patents

Aaron Moncur of Pipeline Design & Engineering recently interviewed me for his podcast Being an Engineer. We talk a little about my early engineering time, but mostly about the transition from engineering to law and the basics of patent protection. Please have a listen:
Being an Engineer – First to File, Secrecy & Fast-Tracking Patents
Pipeline Design and Engineering designs elegant products for its customers. They are experts in the fields of mechanical engineering & product development. Aaron hosts the Being an Engineer podcast as a forum for engineers and those who work with them to share and learn about how others solve problems engineers face each day, and about the delightful idiosyncrasies that make engineers breed unique. Aaron graced me in as a past engineer. I share some ideas about when you may think it is time to jump the engineering ship, how much fun Laplace Transforms can be, how to protect a new soda bottle design, and why the Patent Office expedites patent applications for those over 65.